Vue Clone Array of Object:In Vue.js, you can clone an array of objects using the spread operator by spreading the original array into a new array. This creates a new array with the same values as the original array, but with a new reference. This means that any changes made to the new array will not affect the original array, and vice versa.
How can you clone an array of objects in Vue?
This is a Vue app that clones an array of objects. The app has a default question object with a title and four answer options. It also has an empty array called “questions” that will hold multiple copies of the default question object.
When the app is mounted, it pushes a clone of the default question object (using the spread operator) into the “questions” array. This creates a new instance of the default question object, allowing it to be modified independently of the original.
The app then displays the “questions” array using Vue’s double curly brace syntax.
Vue Clone Array of Object Example
<div id="app">
<h3>Vue clone of array of object</h3>
<script type="module">
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
defaultQuestion: {
title: 'What is the capital of France?',
option1: 'London',
option2: 'Paris',
option3: 'Berlin',
option4: 'Madrid',
correctAnswer: 'Paris'
questions: []
}, mounted() {
this.questions.push({ ...this.defaultQuestion });